Munitions and Explosives of Concern Feasibility Study
LOCATION: Will County, Illinois
CLIENT: USACE Louisville District
Under our CTI/URS Environmental Services (CUES) contract with the USACE Louisville District, CUES conducted a Feasibility Study (FS) for the L2-L3 Extended Buffer Area Munitions Response Site at the former Joliet Army Ammunition Plant (JOAAP) in Will County, Illinois. The purpose of this FS was to evaluate a range of remedial actions that could be implemented at the L2-L3 EBA MRS to reduce potential hazards that munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) may pose to human health and the environment.
The six remedial action alternatives developed for the FS include remedial technologies and process options designed to address MEC at the L2-L3 EBA MRS by reducing the defined unacceptable hazard due to the presence of MEC by preventing interaction between receptors and MEC on the surface and in the subsurface. Following approval of the FS, CUES is under contract to prepare the proposed Plan for regulatory review and public comment, support USACE Louisville during the L2-L3 EBA MRS public meetings and prepare the final Decision Document for regulatory approval.